Thursday, December 8, 2011

Men have taught us why the end of Satan's world has not yet arrived. What does God say?

Below is my reply to a letter I received. Please be patient, and see what the scriptures reveal as to why God has not yet removed the wickedness in the world around us.

Dear Xxxx,
 I awoke at 4am with something you said in my mind, like a glaring light.
I am compelled to answer it, so here I am.
Satan has veiled us, with a lie. All seem captive to this lie, even all among those who call themselves "Jehovah's witnesses".
YHVH has removed this veil from my eyes.
With your permission,
I will now try to cut through it, for you.
The mesh of Satan's veils are made of a coat of mail, so the sword of God's Word needs to be sharp, as does your desire for light.
With YHVH's spirit, it will happen.

The person said to me,
"AND people will be given the opportunity to see that mans rule does not work because the Anglo American power has just crashed. When Jesus Brothers do their work,this will be a big piece of evidence people need to consider. "We need Jahs Kingdom because mans doesnt work" Without it crashing,how can they see that man has no idea about "good and bad"...and this is the reason for the crash.... its proves the issue raised in Eden...and that issue has been resolved by this final piece of proof."

I replied:
Dear Xxxx...Satan wants us to look for "signs" in HIS have our minds guided by events that HE controls (1John 5:19; Luke 4:5-6). (

In truth, is there anyone alive that really needs to be told that life today is frustrating and futile? (Ec.1:2,14)

When YHVH warned Adam and Eve that they would have a horrible life if they listened to Satan, and then die;
didn't they and their children, see it happen? (Gen.3:19)

Is not the miserable existence and death of each one of us, proof enough? (Job 14:1)

What does God's Word say?

"For we know that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now."

Xxxx, do we really need 6,000 years to find out that life is futile?
...that man/Satan rule is a failure? 

Please, look again at the first three words of that verse.

Certainly, Satan's advice in Eden, was a lie,
and we now know it. wasn't bad enough for Satan to bait our original parents into a death trap with his lies,
but now that we are all ensnared in the same web,
we are believing him again.......that things are so good that we actually need 6,000 years to prove otherwise.

If you can just choose one human being on this whole planet that you think has a great life, even from all of history,
do you think that by the end of their life,
they would still claim that life is perfect?
Even if they were rich and beautiful and smart and powerful,
they had family problems, or body guards, or their little girl died of leukemia.

"FOR WE KNOW that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now."

Satan would have us believe otherwise, wouldn't he?
He paints YHVH as a spiteful God, who is deriving some sort of self-righteous satisfaction from watching us suffer without him.
That is the subconscious message that reaches our mind,
when we accept the following false, God-dishonoring doctrines:
...that the reason the end is not here yet, is because Satan's rule needs to be proven a failure...
...that we need to realize our reliance on, and need for God enough....
...that we have to see that the "knowledge of good and bad" really results in pain and death.
...that God is not yet satisfied that we have learned that lesson enough.


Do we really doubt the reality of the bad consequences?
Satan surely wants us to believe that we do.
He wants us to believe that God is delaying the end, because He thinks we need to suffer long enough....
  to get it through our thick skulls that we need Him,
  and that life without him is a failure.

The universal mind of humanity is being crushed under anxious care.
NO ONE needs to be told that life is fraught with futility....and this we know since Adam and Eve (Job 14:1).

"FOR WE KNOW that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now."
Do we now already "know", or not?

SATAN certainly doesn't care if we suffer while he keeps his hold on the world.
He wants us to believe that YHVH is just like him.
Another lie.

YHVH was and is, greatly grieved at mankind's fall and it's consequences. (Gen.6:5,6)
Don't you hear His tone of voice when He said, "What is this you have done!?!?" Gen.3:13
His heart is constantly being torn apart, each and every day since then,
as He observes all the suffering and deaths of every living thing (Matt.10:29) (LINK:AllCreation), including all the human friends He has come to know.

Satan wants us to believe that 
all the guiding truths YHVH has given us, to show us the end of these matters...
will be revealed within Satan's own realm, the world.
Here Satan is, creating a phony drama on a stage he has total control of....
to distract us away from the reality of the truth.......once again.

YHVH is not waiting for England and the United States to fall.
  That is one false interpretation of the "duel world power" of iron and clay (Dan.2:33-35).
This is not what the Bible teaches us 

"For the eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God." Rom.8:19

Can you see that what we are waiting for, is the Kingdom Heirs to be made complete in number, refined, sealed, perfected in resurrection, and installed? 
"When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne. 10 They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” 11 Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been."
Once this happens,
it can finally end!!!
Yes, that is what God's Word tells us.

   "And I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled down, who accuses them day and night before our God! 11 And they conquered him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death." Rev.12:10,11

Do you see what we are really waiting for, according to God's Word?
The last of the anointed must conquer the world which Satan uses to deceive, tempt, and persecute them (John 16:33; 15:18,19,20,211John 5:4; Rom.8:37)


Satan has been ruling the world since Eden.
He is still ruling the world, and so, he is
"deceiving the entire inhabited earth" (Rev.12:9; 20:7-8; (2Thess. 2:9,10).
Along with that deceived "earth", are "Jehovah's Witnesses".

Only the anointed, even have a chance of seeing truth....

  see Isa.43:
10 “YOU are my witnesses,” is the utterance of YHVH, “even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that YOU may know and have faith in me, and that YOU may understand that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none. 11 I—I am YHVH, and besides me there is no savior.”
12 I myself have told forth and have saved and have caused [truth] to be heard, when there was among YOU no strange [god]. So YOU are my witnesses,” is the utterance of YHVH, “and I am God. (Rev.11:3)

Can you see that God MAKES his CHOSEN WITNESSES hear the TRUTH (1Pet. 2:9; John 15:16; Rev.17:14; Eph.1:9,11,12,13,14) .....WHEN THEY ARE NOT BUSY WORSHIPING  someone else? (that is a requirement for receiving freedom from Satan's deceptions -John 8:32) (Rom.1:25; Rev.13:15,8,7,10; Col.2:8)

More proof of this, regarding the "CHOSEN" as being the ones given the truth:

 20 And YOU have an anointing from the holy one; all of YOU have knowledge. 21 I write YOU, not because YOU do not know the truth, but because YOU know it, and because no lie originates with the truth.. 27 And as for YOU, the anointing that YOU received from him remains in YOU, and YOU do not need anyone to be teaching YOU; but, as the anointing from him is teaching YOU about all things, and is true and is no lie, and just as it has taught YOU, remain in union with him."

Can Satan ever deceive these ones also?
   "For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will give great signs and wonders so as to mislead, if possibleeven the chosen ones.  Look! I have forewarned YOU."   Matt.24:24,25

The "Chosen Ones" can also be deceived by Satan (2Cor. 11:3,20; Eph. 4:141Thess. 5:3; Rev.12:15), if they do not have the protection of YHVH's Spirit....
which He will remove, if we are worshiping something else (Rom.1:25; Rev.13:1,8,7,10; Col.2:81Tim. 4:1; Rev.16:13,14).... while looking to those "great signs and wonders" which are a part of
Satan's "misleading" deceptions. (2Thess. 2:9,10; Rev.13:11,13,14; 19:20; 16:13,14)

One of those "wonder"ful lies (Rev.17:8; 13:3), is that the reason the end has not yet arrived,
is because YHVH is not yet satisfied that we have suffered long enough and
that Satan's rule actually has to be proven a failure.
And where are we supposed to watch to see that proof unfold?...Keep a close eye only on the unfolding drama of Satan's world,
which he has total control of!
All lies!

We all must learn to look to God's Word for the truth,
not look to Satan's world.
YHVH gives us the signs that tell us how, why, and when.
They are in the Bible, not the evening news.

"FOR WE KNOW that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now."
"For the eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God." Rom.8:19,22

Why does Satan not want us to get the sense of Romans 8:19,22?
Because then we will be under Satan's control...
mesmerized by his tumultuous world, be blind to true prophetic fulfillment, and neglect supporting the least of Christ's brothers to reach their goal,
upon which the creation awaits.

Have not all mislead anointed teachers, fallen to these three stumbling blocks?
Even the present "steward" slave is mislead, and is proving unfaithful in providing the proper food (scriptural and prophetic truth) in time for protection and salvation (at the proper time).
While any anointed are lacking exclusive devotion to God, (and as a result, lacking Holy Spirit and light) they will lack clarity and success. The consequence? God's kingdom is delayed. Satan has the advantage (Rev.13:7; Isa.64:6,7,8,9,10,11; Lam.1:10; Isa.63:3,5,10,17,18,19; 64:5,9,12)

The false anointed prophets teach the sheep to look to Satan's world for fulfillment of Prophecy.
They help Satan grab everyone's attention away from the Truth.
They have become Satan's ministers, prompting the sheep to look to Satan's world for the signs. They are lying signs! (2Thess. 2:9)
2Cor. 11:13 "For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light. 15 It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness. But their end shall be according to their works."

The truth will not be gleaned from the information coming from Satan's world, nor in it's current events. These things do not shed light on God's prophetic word.
17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth. 18 Just as you sent me forth into the world, I also sent them forth into the world. 19 And I am sanctifying myself in their behalf, that they also may be sanctified by means of truth."

"FOR WE KNOW that all creation keeps on groaning together and being in pain together until now."
"For the eager expectation of the creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God." Rom.8:19,22

How are you? 
Is the veil gone?

I know this is a tough one, even for many anointed.
Pray for Spirit, and I also pray for you. It is true, the entire inhabited earth is being deceived by Satan (Rev.12:9). The False Prophets are promoting this. Only the faithful chosen have a chance at being set free by truth (Rev.12:15,16,14; 9:14) IF they repent (in sackcloth Luke 10:13) of their idolatry to the Wild Beast and False Prophet (Rev.11:3; Joel 1:13).
These can yet be saved, along with those who accept and feed on their sayings...

Matt.10:40 “He that receives YOU receives me also, and he that receives me receives him also that sent me forth. 41 He that receives a prophet because he is a prophet will get a prophet’s reward, and he that receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will get a righteous man’s reward. 42 And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water to drink because he is a disciple, I tell YOU truly, he will by no means lose his reward.”

2Cor. 2:14 Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? 17 For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.

The sword of Truth will divide people in the time of the final harvest. 
(Heb.4:12; Rev.19:15; Matt.10:34; Luke 12:51)
What will each person choose to believe?...
Satan's end time deceptions (1Tim. 4:1; Rev.16:14,13),
or the truth, which few find. (Matt.7:14,15)
Which will you choose to believe?
 Luke 17:34  I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. 35 There will be two [women] grinding at the same mill; the one will be taken along, but the other will be abandoned.” 37 So in response they said to him: “Where, Lord?” He said to them: “Where the body is, there also the eagles will be gathered together.”

Those who are "abandoned"/"left behind" (Matt.24:40,41),  will be swept away by the river of lies coming from Satan's mouth, just as the earth was drowned in the days of Noah (Matt.24:39; Rev.12:16). All others will be "taken along" on the wings of the anointed "eagles" of the "woman" (Rev.12:14), to feed on the "body/"slain" "two witnesses",  (Matt.24:16,28; Luke 17:37instead of Satan's river of lies.

In the time of the end, there will be prophets who will repent of their sin of idolatry (Neh.9:1,2; Rev.11:3). Jesus will cause them to prophesy truth, by means of Holy Spirit and the waters of truth (John 4:14; Rev.11:4; Zech.4:11,12,14; Matt.17:3; Dan.12:5,7)
Be certain that the waters you drink are not "wormwood" (Rev.8:10,11; Jer.9:15); nor the prophets you follow (nor the Gentile Organization who serves them), the false ones (Jer.23:15; Matt.7:15,16,17,202Thess. 2:9,10).

(note: Some translations say "vultures" instead of "eagles". To understand the correct interpretation of Matt.24:28, please read this article link )

(This one also, may help: )

Satan got authority and power over creation, when Adam and Even sinned (Gen.3:13,16,17,18,19,23,24; Heb.2:14; Rom.5:12; Rev.12:3). He exploited the justice of God to achieve his own purposes (Gen.3:1,2,3,4,5,6; Luke 4:5,61John 5:19; John 8:44). It was granted by God for Satan to rule this world (Rom.13:1; John 19:10,11), until a just basis could be satisfied to remove Satan's authority and power (Gen.3:15; Rom.8:201Cor. 15:22).

Satan must be conquered in order to re-establish the Kingdom of God over all creation, and to restore creation's freedom from sin and death. This is according to the requirements of God's justice. 

If it were not necessary for Satan to lose his world dominion by means of God's justice, then God would not have subjected creation to cruel corruption, for nothing (Rom.8:19,20,21,22,23,24,25). But God is love (1John 4:8), and when He temporarily abandoned creation to Satan due to Adam's choice; it was according to His justice (Gen.2:16,17; Rom.5:12). 
The establishment of God's Kingdom, and the fall of Satan, must also be by means of God's justice. 
Why was Jesus Christ required to suffer and die?
 (2Tim. 1:10; Eph.1:7; John 1:12; Heb.2:3,4,9,10,17; 9:26; Rom.5:17,18).

Satan's fall from power requires God's justice to be satisfied first...unless you believe that God is unnecessarily cruel, and wants us to suffer and die for no reason. 
It was necessary for Christ to be faithful under test, if he hoped to dethrone Satan (1John 3:8; John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11,33; Heb.2:14). This conquering of Satan was necessary, before Jesus Christ could be crowned king over the New Creation (Heb.12:2; Rev.3:21) in place of Satan and the fallen creation (Rom.5:15,20,21). 
The same requirement stands for all those called ones, who hope to join Christ and be sealed as a kingdom co-heir (Acts 14:221John 2:13; Rev.12:11; Mark 8:352Tim. 2:12; Rom.8:17; Gal.3:29; Gen.28:13; Rev.3:21; Luke 10:18,19).

As you can see by the foregoing scriptures...Christ's faithfulness to death did cause Satan's fall from authority and power. Yet Christ does not rule alone (Rom.8:17; Gal.3:29; Rev.5:10; 20:6). Each and every heir must also conquer Satan 
(Luke 22:312Cor. 2:111Pet. 5:8,91John 2:14; Rom.12:21; Rom.16:19,20; Rev.12:7; 17:14; 19:11,14,8). 
It is their individual victories to be completed, that Christ and all creation await. 
Each member of the 144000 must follow the footsteps of Christ (1Pet. 2:21; Matt.16:241John 2:6; John 14:6; Rev.14:4)...all the way to a faithful death for truth (Rom.6:5; Phil.3:10; Rev.6:9,11; 12:11). 
Each of them must overcome the temptations, tests, and persecutions by Satan, before being declared victorious by their Master, Christ. Once the last of the remnant conquer the evil one, Satan's fall will be completed. At Rev.6:9,10 those already slain ask how long they must wait. The answer given is Rev.6:11. The last of them (remnant) must also conquer for the sake of truth, at the cost of their own lives. When the last of these fulfill this requirement of Satan's rightful demand according to God's justice, Satan's fall is completed (Rev.12:10,11).
Satan opposes letting go of his dominion over the righteous.
It is for this reason that he is permitted to test and accuse them (Luke 22:31; Rev.2:10; 1Cor.10:13)
and oppose their divine work as well, (2Thess. 2:7,9,101Pet.5:9,102Tim.3:12)
until they prove their righteousness and submissive loyalty to God as Father (Luke 6:35; Phil.2:15).

In time, all God's children will be gathered and revealed (Matt.24:31; Rom.8:19), and the time will arrive to give God's Creation 
back to the inherit what God originally gave Adam (Gen.1:26,27,28; James 3:7), and then gave to Christ (1Cor. 15:45; Rom.5:18; Heb.1:2; Matt.28:18; Psalm 2:8; Mark 12:7; Col.1:16).
Those who belong to Christ will be heirs with him (Heb.2:7,8; Gal.3:29; Dan.7:13-14,22).
Once all the co-heirs prove faithful, Satan will then lose this long standing war against God's Will. 
How do they prove faithful?
By dying for truth, thereby, losing all their power in this world
(Dan.12:6,7; Rev.6:9,10,11; Isa.6:11; Eze.14:22,231Pet. 5:6,10; James 4:10; Matt.23:12; Eze.17:24).
Ironically, it is when the power of all the faithful Holy Ones is "brought to nothing" (through a death for faithfulness), that
Satan will finally lose all his authority and power (Rev.12:10-11).

Then all God's enemies are subdued, and creation is returned to God by means of Christ,
working through "Zion" (Ps.110:1,21Cor. 15:24,25; Eph.1:10) (Rev.14:1; 2:26-27).
God then gives the New Creation, to the second Adam, Jesus Christ,
along with all those who have proven to be His children (1Cor. 15:45; Gal.3:291Cor. 3:232Cor. 5:17).

Satan has powerful motivation to oppose God, His Will, and His messengers.
It is by means of them that he will be cast out, defeated, and removed.
Jesus Christ was the first man to successfully defeat Satanic Death and Hades, causing Satan to be judged, an his prisoners to be set free (Isa.49:24-25; Mark 3:27; Rev.1:18; John 8:32,36).
Jesus provided the legal basis for Satan to be finally cast out, 
after the harvest of wheat/co-heirs is completed with their own sifting/testing by Satan, and by their victory, attain life. (Rom.2:71Cor. 15:54,24,26; Rom.8:11; John 5:241John 3:14; 5:13; Rev.2:10,111Cor. 15:55) (--Rev.9:10,11


The "Watchtower" teaches that Mankind has tried every possible form of government, and that this was necessary for the reality of Jer.10:23; and Ec.8:9 to be proven. They assert that since each form of government has been proven a failure, the judicial basis was set for the arrival of Christ's "Thousand Year" kingdom, in 1914 
("Thousand Years", When?). 
Not so.
Ps.110:1-2 reveals that Christ rules "in the midst of his enemies". He has been ruling since his ascension into heaven 
(1Cor. 15:25; Mark 16:19; Ps.110:11Cor. 15:25; Matt.28:18). 
Through the kings of Zion...
 (Ps.110:22Cor. 10:3-5; 6:7; Rom.13:12; Isa.2:3; Mal.2:7; Eph.6:10-172Tim. 2:12; Rev.5:9-10), 
...Christ has been "subduing his enemies" of truth, by the truth 
which is also spoken through his ambassadors 
(Phil.3:20-212Cor. 5:19-20,15; 3:6; 6:1-2; Mal.2:71Cor. 4:11Pet. 4:10; Titus 2:111Tim. 2:4). 

All forms of Satanic pressure and trial, through his apt arrangements of power and deception against the truth and it's messengers...
(John 8:44; Rev.12:7; Heb.1:7,14; 2:16; 1:7; Rev.11:5; Jer.5:14; Luke 21:15; 10:191John 2:13; Rev.12:11), 
...must be subjugated under Christ's feet (1Cor. 15:24-25) through Zion (Ps.11:22Cor.10:3,4,5; Rev.17:14; Eph.6:10,11,12,13; 5:11), after which, he hands all that accomplishment, over to God
Only then, does God's eternal Kingdom, commence (1Cor. 15:27-28). 

God entrusts His eternal Kingdom, into the hands of Christ and his chosen and faithful kings (Luke 22:29; Rev.3:21; Matt.28:18; Dan.7:13-14,22), including those who have fought and won the last of Christs battles, Armageddon (Rev.17:14; 19:11,14,16; Luke 10:19).

Which is the last kingdom to fight against Christ at Armageddon... his last enemy?
There is one more form of government Satan is now empowering, that is "different" from those prior to it. 
It is able to "trample" and cause spiritual death, to God's own people 
(Dan.7:23; Luke 21:24,22
(1Cor. 15:26,55; Rev.9:10,71Cor. 15:55-58; Rev.12:11). 
The "difference" within that last lethal kingdom, is depicted, at Dan.2:33,41-42
All the previous kingdoms which persecuted God's people, symbolically consisted only of metal (Dan.2:32).
The "difference" which the last kingdom possesses, is that the fourth kingdom/Beast, also contains "clay", along with the metal, iron. 
It is only after this final type of kingdom meets with failure, that the eternal Kingdom of God, arrives (Dan.2:34,44; 7:14,18,22).

The forth spiritually lethal kingdom arises, after Satan's release from the Abyss.....
(Rev.20:7-8; 16:13-14; 17:14; 12:7,11; 11:7; 6:9-11; Rom.6:5).
Through the fourth and last kingdom, Satan successfully tramples God's Chosen people. They are trampled into submissive captivity and slavery to the Beast. They need to repent, slave for the truth of Christ, and join him in righteous Battle.
(Col.2:8; Rev.13:7-8,10; 11:2; Matt.5:13; Luke 18:8; 17:26-27; Rev.12:151Tim. 4:1; Rev.16:13-14
(Eze.22:30; 13:5; Jer.5:1; Isa.59:16; 64:7; Job 14:6-9; Eze.17:21-24,23; Mark 4:30-32; Zech.4:10; Eze.36:8; Dan.2:34,45; Zech.4:7
(Dan.8:252Thess. 2:8; Rev.17:14; Matt.10:20), 
<<(In response to Satan's release and successful deceptions; 
Christ, and then his faithful "woman"/"two witnesses"/angel messengers/faithful witnesses to follow, 
will also arise 
Rev.11:3-4; 12:15-17,6,14,7; 17:14) (earth-swallows-satans-river)
[For understanding about the woman being in the wilderness, please see 
Part A, paragraph 4, at this link: LINK ]

It is the fourth kingdom, initially consisting of Iron (Dan.2:33), that tramples the holy ones into subjection, in the time of the end (Dan.2:40). The fourth kingdom develops into a combination, within it's feet and "toes", iron and clay (Dan.2:33,42). 
The ten "toes" of it's feet, is a parallel to the "ten kings"/"horns", belonging to the symbolic Beast of Revelation (Rev.17:12-14). 
The "kings of the earth" (Greek meaning "Earth") are kings which should belong to Christ (Rev.1:5; 5:10; 19:16; John 18:36; 17:16) (kings-of-earth), but they have rebelliously surrendered their royal authority, to the Beast (Rev.17:12-13; Jer.9:25-26Amos 9:71Cor. 10:11).
(Isa.31:1; Jer.17:5; Rev.6:16)

By these things, we begin to learn why this Beast is "different" (Dan.7:23).
It's horns, are the ten "kings of the earth"/clay (Rev.17:12,18; 5:10; 16:14,15,16; Dan.2:44), some of whom have accepted official position as commanders within the Iron/Gentile Beast, supporting it's blasphemies 
(Rev.13:1,5-6; Rom.2:24; Isa.52:52Pet. 2:1-3).

Both terms.... "clay", and "kings of earth", reveal the "difference" which the last kingdom power possesses (which power, successfully tramples God's people, causing them to become dead in their sins (Eph.2:1-2,4-5; Col.2:13; Rev.3:1-3; 11:11-12; 4:1; Eze.37:3-8,9-10; Rev.7:9; Matt.5:19).
   After God's refining discipline (Zech.13:9; Mal.3:1-3), "one-third" of them repent 
(and are killed for their faithfulness Rev.11:7; 9:18)...
 (Rev.7:3; 9:4; 3:19; 14:1; 22:3) (Zech.13:9; Rev.9:18,20), 
The repentant and victorious over the mark of the Beast, 
then battle alongside Christ at Armageddon Rev.17:14; 19:11,14,8; 7:14

When that decisive battle that is now being fought is won, the final foe of Christ will be "brought to nothing" (1Cor. 15:24-26,54-58).
Thereafter, God's eternal Kingdom, arrives and endures, forever.

So, how do the terms, "kings of the earth", and "Clay"
reveal what is unique to the last kingdom?
Please consider the following links to find out.

and (Molded Clay)
and (Iron and Clay)





  1. of all your articles this one is my favourite, whenever i can, i always come back to it and read it all over again.

    Not only does this article reveal the truth as to why God is still to execute his judgements on the evil ones but it shows just how God's name has been dragged through the mud and how unloving and uncaring he is really being portrayed by the organization.

    may God prove to be with you and grant you all the strength and wisdom you need


  2. Greetings Pearl,

    Well done! Unfortunately to say, those who hears the truth are the only ones that know The Lord Christ Jesus voice (John 18:37)

    Closing with love

  3. esti un fatarnic!!

    1. N-am spus, "Ce spune Dumnezeu?" I-am spus, "Ce spune Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu?" Am urmat prin oferirea de Scriptură. Suntem ipocriți dacă am pretinde să fie ghidat de Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, și totuși nu suntem. În ceea ce privește motivul pentru care la sfârșitul nu a ajuns încă, am călăuzit de Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, și să îndemne și pe alții să fie. Dacă nu sunt, de asemenea, călăuziți de Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, dar luați în considerare cei care sunt la fel de ipocriti .... ce vă ghidează?

    2. Great work Pearl , very up building and straight to the point .Thank you ,this answered many questions ,who ,what where and when .
      All my love
